

2845 Hwy 311 Schriever, LA 70395


Diesel Generator Sets

M&L offers a wide variety of diesel generators sets. Offering radiator cooled, keel cooled and heat exchanger cooled units for both industrial and marine applications. Our generators are Isuzu, JCB, Yanmar and John Deere diesel engines coupled to EnergyPac brushless generator ends. 

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"ML100JERD-SS - ENERGYPAC SYSTEMS - EPA Stationary Standby Labeled- 100KW 3 Phase Radiator Cooled Diesel Generator set with: JCB 4.4L ECOMAX- 444TCAE-120 Stationary Emergency Standby, 1800rpm Diesel 4 Cylinder Turbo Charged, Charge Air Cooled Engine, Brushless Generator End with Automatic Voltage Regulator, LCD Control Panel with Key Switch, Safety Shutdown System (low engine oil/high temp), 12 Volt Electrics, Vibration Isolators, Radiator, Fan Guard, Hoses, Exhaust Muffler (*No EPA Aftertreatment), Top Mounted Industrial Air Cleaner, Engine Support Legs, Welded Steel Skid, Oil & Fuel filters with 500 Hour Service Intervals, Electric Fuel Pump, Owner's Manual, and Shop Load Bank Tested."


"ML100JERD-T4 - ENERGYPAC SYSTEMS - 100KW, 3 Phase Radiator Cooled Diesel Generator set with: JCB 4.4L ECOMAX- 448TCAE-129 EPA Tier 4 Final 1800rpm Diesel 4 Cylinder Turbo Charged, Charge Air Cooled Engine, Brushless Generator End with Automatic Voltage Regulator, LCD Control Panel with Key Switch, Safety Shutdown System (low engine oil/high temp), 12 Volt Electrics, Vibration Isolators, Radiator, Fan Guard, Hoses, Air Inlet Throttle, Exhaust SCR System, 4.2 Gallon DEF Tank with Heated Lines, Top Mounted Industrial Air Cleaner, Engine Support Legs, Welded Steel Skid, Oil & Fuel filters with 500 Hour Service Intervals, Electric Fuel Pump, Owner's Manual, and Shop Load Bank Tested."


"ML14IHRD - Isuzu - COMMPAC - 14KW Radiator Cooled Diesel Generator set with: Isuzu 3CE1 1800rpm Diesel 3 Cylinder Engine, Heavy Duty Marine Brushless Generator End with Marine Coating, and Automatic Voltage Regulator, ML Control Panel (Indicator Lights, Hour Meter & Key Switch), Safety Shutdown System (low engine oil/ high temp), 12 Volt Electrics, Vibration Isolators, Radiator, Hoses, Fan Guard, Industrial Air Cleaner, Engine Support Legs, Steel Rail Skid, Oil and Fuel Filters, Owner's Manual, and Shop Load Bank Tested."


"ML14IHRD-T4-EP - Isuzu - ENERGYPAC SYSTEMS - LEVEL 2 ENCLOSURE AND FUEL TANK PACKAGE- 14KW 1 Phase Radiator Cooled Diesel Generator set with: Isuzu 3CE1 1800rpm Diesel 3 Cylinder Engine, Heavy Duty Brushless Generator End with Marine Coating, and Automatic Voltage Regulator, Murphy Gauge Panel (Oil Pressure, Temp, Volts, and Hours) with key switch, 12 Volt Electrics, Vibration Isolators, Radiator, Hoses, Fan Guard, Industrial Air Cleaner, Engine Support Legs, Oil and Fuel Filters, Steel Skid with fuel tank spill containment, 37 gallon sub-base fuel tank with level gauge, Super-Sound Attenuated Powder Coated Aluminum Enclosure with lockable doors, Battery, Owner''s Manual, and Shop Load Bank Tested."


"ML15YERD36 - YANMAR DIESEL - VALUE SERIES - 15KW Radiator Cooled Diesel Generator set with: Yanmar 3TNM74F 3600rpm Diesel Three Cylinder Engine, Heavy Duty Brushless Generator End with Automatic Voltage Regulator, Control Panel , Safety Shutdown System (low engine oil/ high temp), 12 Volt Electrics, Vibration Isolators, Radiator, Hoses, Fan Guard, Industrial Air Cleaner, Muffler, Engine Support Legs, Oil and Fuel Filters, Circuit Breaker, (2) Duplex 120 Volt Receptacles, 50Amp Nema 14-50R Receptacle, Owner's Manual, and Shop Load Bank Tested."


"ML15YERD36-EP - YANMAR DIESEL - ENERGYPAC PACKAGE - 15KW ENCLOSED Radiator Cooled Diesel Generator set with: Yanmar 3TNM74F 3600rpm Diesel Three Cylinder Engine, Heavy Duty Brushless Generator End with Automatic Voltage Regulator, Auto/Manual Start Control Panel with Key Switch , Safety Shutdown System (low engine oil/ high temp), 12 Volt Electrics, Vibration Isolators, Radiator, Hoses, Fan Guard, Industrial Air Cleaner,Residential Muffler, Engine Support Legs, Oil and Fuel Filters, Steel Skid with fuel 110% tank spill containment, 14 gallon sub-base fuel tank with level gauge, Center Point Lifting Eye, Super-Silent Level 2 Sound Attenuated Powder Coated Enclosure with lockable doors, Circuit Breaker, (2) Duplex 120 Volt Receptacles, (2) 50Amp Nema 14-50R Receptacles, Main Full Power Receptacle and Matching Plug included, Owner's Manual, Battery and Shop Load Bank Tested."


"ML23IHRD-T4-SS - Isuzu - COMMPAC - EPA Tier 4 Final Stationary Standby Labeled- 23KW Radiator Cooled Diesel Generator set with: Isuzu 4LE2 Tier 4 Final Stationary Emergency Standby Mechanical 1800rpm 4 Cylinder Diesel Engine , Heavy Duty Brushless Generator End with Marine Coating, and Automatic Voltage Regulator, Oversized Generator End for Full 1 Phase KW Output and Full 3 Phase Output, ML Control Panel (Indicator Lights, Hour Meter & Key Switch), Safety Shutdown System (low engine oil/ high temp), 12 Volt Electrics, Vibration Isolators, Radiator, Hoses, Fan Guard, Industrial Air Cleaner, Engine Support Legs, Welded Steel Skid, Oil and Fuel Filters, Owner''s Manual, and Shop Load Bank Tested."


"ML23IERD-T4-Isuzu - COMMPAC - 23KW Radiator Cooled Diesel Generator set with: Isuzu 4LE2T Final Tier 4 1800rpm Diesel 4 Cylinder Turbo Charged Engine, Heavy Duty Marine Brushless Generator End with Marine Coating, Auxiliary Winding for motor starting and Automatic Voltage Regulator, Oversized Generator End for Full 1 Phase KW Output and Full 3 Phase Output, Control Panel with LCD Display and Key Switch, Safety Shutdown System, 12 Volt Electrics, Vibration Isolators, Radiator, Hoses, Fan Guard, Industrial Air Cleaner, Engine Support Legs, Oil & Fuel Filters, Steel Skid, Owner's Manual, and Shop Load Bank Tested."


"ML23IERD-T4-EP- Isuzu - ENERGYPAC SYSTEMS - LEVEL 2 ENCLOSURE AND FUEL TANK PACKAGE- 23KW Radiator Cooled Diesel Generator set with: Isuzu 4LE2T Final Tier 4 1800rpm Diesel 4 Cylinder Turbo Charged Engine, Heavy Duty Marine Brushless Generator End with Marine Coating, Auxiliary Winding for motor starting and Automatic Voltage Regulator, Oversized Generator End for Full 1 Phase KW Output and Full 3 Phase Output, Automatic Start Control Panel with LCD Display (Engine monitoring, Generator Monitoring Amps/Volts/Hertz and Fuel Level), Safety Shutdown System, 12 Volt Electrics, Vibration Isolators, Radiator, Hoses, Fan Guard, Industrial Air Cleaner, Engine Support Legs, Oil and Fuel Filters, Steel Skid with fuel tank spill containment, 50 gallon sub-base fuel tank with level gauge, Super-Silent Level 2 Sound Attenuated Powder Coated Aluminum Enclosure with lockable doors, Battery Charger, Battery, Owner''s Manual, and Shop Load Bank Tested."


"ML23IHRD-T4-SS-EP - Isuzu - ENERGYPAC SYSTEMS - LEVEL 2 ENCLOSURE AND FUEL TANK PACKAGE- EPA Tier 4 Final Stationary Standby Labeled - 23KW Radiator Cooled Diesel Generator set with: Isuzu 4LE2 Tier 4 Final Stationary Emergency Standby Mechanical 1800rpm 4 Cylinder Diesel Engine, Heavy Duty Brushless Generator End with Marine Coating, and Automatic Voltage Regulator, Oversized Generator End for Full 1 Phase KW Output and Full 3 Phase Output, Automatic Start Control Panel with LCD Display (Engine monitoring, Generator Monitoring Amps/Volts/Hertz and Fuel Level), Safety Shutdown System, Vibration Isolators, Radiator, Hoses, Fan Guard, Industrial Air Cleaner, Engine Support Legs, Oil and Fuel Filters, Steel Skid with fuel tank spill containment, 50 gallon sub-base fuel tank with level gauge, Super-Silent Level 2 Sound Attenuated Powder Coated Aluminum Enclosure with lockable doors, Battery Charger, Battery, Owner''s Manual, and Shop Load Bank Tested."

15 KW Radiator Cooled Diesel Generator Set

ML300A-YERD-EP - YANMAR DIESEL - ENERGYPAC WELDER/GENERATOR PACKAGE - 300 AMP Heavy Duty Welder / 14KW Heavy Duty Generator set complete with: 300 AMP Welder with CC Stick, CB Wire, CC Tig Welding Processes, CV/CC Remote Control Capacity with Built in Contactor, Yanmar 3TNM74F 3600rpm Diesel Three Cylinder Engine, Heavy Duty 100% Copper Epoxy Coated Dedicated Brushless Welding Winding and Heavy Duty 100% Copper Epoxy Coated Dedicated Brushless Generator End with Automatic Voltage Regulator, Automatic/Manual Start Control Panel with Key Switch & hour meter , Safety Shutdown System (low engine oil/ high temp), 12 Volt Electrics, Vibration Isolators, Radiator, Hoses, Fan Guard, Industrial Air Cleaner, Residential Muffler, Engine Support Legs, Oil and Fuel Filters, Steel Skid with fuel 110% tank spill containment, 14 gallon sub-base fuel tank with level gauge, Center Point Lifting Eye, Super-Silent Level 2 Sound Attenuated Powder Coated Enclosure with lockable doors, Circuit Breaker, (2)


"ML30IERD-T4 - Isuzu - ENERGYPAC - 30KW, 3 Phase Radiator Cooled Diesel Generator set with: Isuzu 4LE2X EPA Final Tier 4 - 1800rpm Diesel 4 Cylinder Turbo Charged Charge Air Cooled Engine, Heavy Duty Marine Brushless Generator End with Marine Coating, Auxiliary Winding for Motor Starting & Automatic Voltage Regulator, Oversized Generator End for Full 1 Phase KW Output & Full 3 Phase Output, LCD Control Panel with Key Switch, Safety Shutdown System (low engine oil/high temp), 12 Volt Electrics, Vibration Isolators, Radiator with constant torque clamps, Fan Guard, Painted Bent Steel Plumbing, Industrial Exhaust Muffler, Industrial Air Cleaner, Engine Support Legs, Welded Steel Skid, Oil & Fuel filters with 500 Hour Service Intervals, Electric Fuel Pump, Owner's Manual, and Shop Load Bank Tested."


"ML30IHRD-T4-EP - Isuzu - ENERGYPAC SYSTEMS - LEVEL 2 ENCLOSURE & FUEL TANK PACKAGE- 30KW 3 PHASE - Radiator Cooled Diesel Generator set with: Isuzu 4LE2X Final Tier 4 1800rpm Diesel 4 Cylinder Turbo Charged - Charge Air Cooled Engine, Heavy Duty Marine Brushless Generator End with Marine Coating, & Automatic Voltage Regulator, Automatic Start Control Panel with LCD Display (Engine Monitoring, Generator Monitoring Amps/Volts/Hertz & Fuel Level), Safety Shutdown System, 12 Volt Electrics, Vibration Isolators, Radiator, Hoses, Fan Guard, Industrial Air Cleaner, Engine Support Legs, Oil & Fuel Filters, Powder Coated Aluminum Welded Skid with 4 Pockets, 140 gallon aluminum sub-base fuel tank with level gauge, Super-Silent Level 2 Sound Attenuated Powder Coated Aluminum Enclosure with lockable doors, Battery Charger, Battery, Owner's Manual, and Shop Load Bank Tested."


"ML30YHRD-SS - Yanmar - ENERGYPAC - Stationary Standby Labeled - 30KW 3 Phase - Radiator Cooled Diesel Generator Set with: Yanmar 4TNV98T Stationary Emergency Standby Labeled 1800rpm Diesel 4 Cylinder Turbo Charged Diesel Engine, Mechanical Fuel System with eco gov, Heavy Duty Marine Brushless Generator End with Marine Coating, & Automatic Voltage Regulator, Radiator, Belt Guard, Exhaust Muffler, Air Cleaner, Front Engine Support Legs, Rear Generator Support Legs, Vibration Isolators, LCD Display Full Control Panel , Safety Shutdown System (low oil pressure/high temp), Oil & Fuel Filters, 12 Volt Electrics, Electric Fuel Pump, Owner's Manual, and Shop Load Bank Tested."


"ML30YHRD-SS-EP - Yanmar - ENERGYPAC SYSTEMS - Stationary Standby Labeled - LEVEL 2 ENCLOSURE & FUEL TANK PACKAGE- 30KW, 3 Phase - Radiator Cooled Diesel Generator set with: Yanmar 4TNV98T Stationary Emergency Standby Labeled 1800rpm Diesel 4 Cylinder Turbo Charged Engine, Heavy Duty Marine Brushless Generator End with Marine Coating, & Automatic Voltage Regulator, 3 Phase Output, Automatic Start Control Panel with LCD Display (Engine monitoring, Generator Monitoring Amps/Volts/Hertz & Fuel Level), Safety Shutdown System, 12 Volt Electrics, Vibration Isolators, Radiator, Hoses, Fan Guard, Industrial Air Cleaner, Engine Support Legs, Oil & Fuel Filters, Steel Skid with fuel tank spill containment, 61 gallon sub-base fuel tank with level gauge, Super-Silent Level 2 Sound Attenuated Powder Coated Aluminum Enclosure with lockable doors, Battery Charger, Battery, Owner's Manual, and Shop Load Bank Tested."